Four Kitchens

Stanford DrupalCamp 2016

2 Min. ReadEvents

The San Francisco Bay Area is home to a number of fantastic Drupal community events and organizations and the annual Stanford DrupalCamp is a springtime highlight. I’ve attended several times and I’m looking forward to this year’s event on April 1-2. Here are a few sessions I’m particularly interested in:

  • Automating the D2D migration process
    I’m always looking for new tools and techniques for how to improve Drupal migration processes, and multi-threaded scripted processes are tantalizing!
  • The multilingual makeover: A side-by-side comparison of Drupal 7 and Drupal 8

    Aimee and Kristen have literally written the book on multilingual Drupal. This session is a side-by-side comparison of ugly Drupal 7 configuration and beautiful Drupal 8 configuration. What took 20+ modules in Drupal 7 takes only four in Drupal 8, with no workarounds, patches, or hacks

  • Drupalternatives

    David will address the elephant in the room and do a frank comparison of alternatives to Drupal. It’s good to know what the alternatives are, so the feature comparisons and price points—from FOSS projects to proprietary enterprise CMSs—should be quite interesting.

  • Debugging Drupal 8 with Drupal Console

    I’ve been a fan of Drupal Console for years; as we start doing more Drupal 8 development I’m looking forward to learning about new ways to debug services and routes, state values, twig templates, and more.

  • Finally, I’m presenting Built it, but nobody came: Avoiding over-engineering

    We’ll discuss ways to focus on feature development and manage expectations so you can deliver value without compromising effectiveness. I’ll show you some real-world examples of technically successful but over-engineered projects.

I look forward to seeing you in Palo Alto!